The son of the Odio-Ologbo of Oleh kingdom, the headquarter of Isoko south local government area of Delta state, Prince Michael Ovrawah has rejected the apology request demanded by Tony Uzezi Ovrawah to their father.
This is following a demand for apology from his siblings by Prince Tony Uzezi Ovrawah.
Reacting to the demands, Michael noted that, the recent call was nothing short of an Ogboni rite of ritual and they are equally up to the task to prevent the continued demand for apology by their father, the Odio-Ologbo who is now obviously a disgrace to himself and the traditional institution of Oleh kingdom.
He noted that in the presence of well-meaning citizens of Oleh, the traditional ruler once called Tony Uzezi, who was busy shouting at his own father, the Odio-Ologbo.
“Therefore, Tony is not in any better position whatsoever to demand for such from them for it is William and Tony who have truly wronged the family and they maintain that the three of them -William, Tony and Adeola Ajigbotoluwa (the housemaid) all killed their mother, the late queen of Oleh kimgdom. No amount of baseless deceit or false publication is ever going to change that fact.
“William is nothing but a shameless father, a father at 85 years of age who is finding it extremely difficult to resolve his own immediate family issue should be ashame of his leadership.

“Whatever is giving Tony, a small boy of yesterday the mind to insult me, his elder brother is the same reason that William Ovrawah shall continue to be insulted as an idiotic, father and Traditional ruler who is unfit to lead a home or any kingdom”
“It’s sad to note that his lazy son, Tony has so much affiliated him with some confraternity belief. For us his other children, the apology so demanded has been issued to the seemingly now unstable Odio-Ologbo on four different occasions ever since we the independent children of the family dislodged the palace maid from the palace who was brought by Tony to destroy the family because of his laziness.”
“We first apologized to the despicable William Ovrawah in December 2020, after a respected Oleh son,Sir Matthias Eto now late prevailed on us, our father actually accepted, but later changed his mind after Tony refused settlement terms again.”
“Offering the apology to William is nothing but let him tell the world if we didn’t offer apology to him and a peace pact was signed at the council chairman’s office where his demand were acceded to. Same useless good for nothing William and transformer vandal Tony went against the pact because William knows what he has used our mother for.”
“For the sake of peace, we his children still apologized again in the presence of the Omogha Royal Family in January 2021, again William reneged because he considered those family people too poor. Apologies were offered to the same William Ovrawah again in November 2021, this same spineless Tony ensured it did not see the light of the day.”
“Another round of apology was offered in a meeting at the Isoko South L.G.A office in April 2022 presided by Evang. Vantus Ogbogro Secretary to the Local Government council at his office in April 2022 in conjunction with the family of late Queen Eunice Ovrawah both father and mother side, Executive of Oleh Community Development Union led by Mr Belief Alakri, Representatives of Isoko Development Union – Mr Dennis Akwakwa, D.P.O Oleh, S.S.S Oleh, Oleh Council of Chiefs and Opinion leaders but the apologies came to nothing because the repugnant William Ovrawah was unable to caution his own son Tony the imbecilic dog to follow the path of peace.”
“Again, another apology was tendered by the children at the office of the Deputy Commissioner of police, Asaba in the month of June 2022 -same old story. The question is, how many apologies does William Ovrawah want for the rest of his miserable life?
“It has shown that for every apology offered to this old puppet clan head of Oleh, his illiterate school dropout son Tony is always going to go against it and as a father he is forever afraid of him because of whatever they have done together in secret.

“All these apologies described above, came with kneeling down to apologize to William Ovrawah in the presence of all these people. If William our father will deny this, he should swear before his ancestors like he was asked to do in August 2022 which he quickly dodged due to his lack of integrity at his very old age. 85 year old man lying like a toddler in kindergarten, what level of absurdity!.”
“As it is today, the people are saying there is no king in Oleh and with time the general public will be aware of what is currently going on underground. The same way William has used all his younger brothers -Lawrence, Peter, Francis to extend his own life -none of them ever attained the age of 70, he is now trying to do same with his own children, starting from his wife.”
“He shall be disgraced. We are ready and waiting for him. In esssence, the apology demanded by William Ovrawah through his son (Tony) shall never be tendered in this lifetime or the next as William has since outlived his purpose as a useful father or king.”
“If there is any apology to be tendered, William Ovrawah should be the one to kneel in front of his children, and for Tony to prostrate to beg for forgiveness for the numerous attempts they have made to destroy the rest of the family but failed.
“We admonished William Ovrawah to tow a part of honour as he was warned in Abuja after signing the undertaking when he was advised to go and bury his late wife for which he failed again due to his now unimaginable Lord, Tony Ovrawah who is busy instructing him to feign old age like his regular tactics and hiding away in America as he is afraid of the disgrace that awaits him in Nigeria where he has soiled himself or what else is keeping him in his failed abroad sojourn.
“Attached to this publication are the several undertakings signed by William Ovrawah after apologies tendered to him in the presence of his lawyer Barrister Ediagbonuvie in Abuja and the one at the local council in presence of representative of the Local Government Council Chairman.
“In all instances, he accepted the burial of the late Queen which thereafter he would renege. Whichever way, our mother’s burial shall be concluded in due course, that way she can rest peacefully.
“As for Tony Uzezi, we shall not dignify him with a direct response because the poverty he has experienced since taking this path is what is disturbing him and as such he is clinging onto the only relevance he may wish he had since his days of thuggery and transformer vandalism never paid off.
“The question here is, when William and Tony were alleged to have killed Isaac Oboma (Aka Ibori), how many apologies did the Oboma family tendered to William or the alleged transformer thief Tony till date?
“It was William who later went to the Oleh Civic Centre to beg them to forgive him when he returned from exile in February 2010, after he stole transformer in 2009. How can a son of a king be involved in public stealing of community properties?
“Let him publish his next publication for me, “I did not steal transformer, I did not kill Isaac Oboma” Michael Ovrawah added.
“Late Oboma’s 22nd year remembrance is in two months and a documentary shall go live on AIT on November 14, 2022. Like we have always reiterated, there is freedom of association to whatever society you want to belong but if that freedom extended to the infringement of the right of others, such freedom must be checked wholesomely. Without prejudice to whatever interests shall this publication and dissemination thereof be delivered.”