United States President Donald Trump in a new tweet declared himself the winner of the 3 November US election.
“I won the election”, Trump declared in all-caps tweet on Monday morning.
Twitter responded moments later by tagging the tweet with a link that says: Official sources call this election differently’.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were projected winners of the election on 10 November.
Following American tradition, Biden had since declared victory and set up a transition team.
He has also appointed Ron Klain as chief of staff.
Trump’s tweet was a continuation of his Twitter rants since Sunday, when he first acknowledged Joe Biden was the winner of the election.
Then simultaneously, he claimed the victory was because the election was rigged.
He then later tweeted that he was not going to concede as he planned to file ‘big cases’ soon.
He continued the theme of election rigging in three other tweets flagged by Twitter as ‘disputed claims’.
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign in Pennsylvania on Sunday dropped a major part of a lawsuit it brought seeking to halt Pennsylvania from certifying its results in the presidential election.
It has now narrowed the case to a small number of ballots.
In an amended complaint filed in federal court, the Trump campaign dropped a claim that election officials unlawfully blocked observers from watching the counting of mail-in ballots in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
The pared-down lawsuit now focuses on a claim that Democratic-leaning counties unlawfully allowed voters to fix errors in their mail-in ballots in violation of state law.
Officials have said the dispute affects a small number of ballots in the state, where Democrat Joe Biden is projected to win by more than 60,000 votes.
Pennsylvania officials have asked a judge to dismiss Trump’s lawsuit, saying the election observers were allowed to assess the processing of mail-in ballots.
The officials also said the state’s counties were permitted to inform residents if their mailed-in ballots were deficient, even if it was not mandatory for them to do so.
In Pennsylvania’s populous Montgomery County, fewer than 100 voters fixed ballots with technical errors, a county official testified at a court hearing on Nov. 4.